031: Tiny life admin habits

Season #4 Episode #31

This episode will inspire you to find the small steps necessary to hack your life admin in challenging times.

This episode addresses the challenges introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mia and Dinah discuss the dilemma of feeling like extra time at home should lead to some major life admin overhauls versus the economic, emotional and physical impact of living in this limbo state.

They acknowledge that the answer may be small steps and incremental change, which build over time to something substantial.

How to start a habit

Mia and Dinah discuss:

  • using the current crisis as a time to think about what you wish to change and becoming clear on your aspirations 
  • the key steps in BJ Fogg’s book Tiny Habits and how these habit formation principles can apply to life admin
  • how motivation, ability and triggers work to form new habits, and that realising you first need to learn a new skill and simply practising it can be a huge first step
  • the small steps they have been taking to improve their life admin during isolation including changes to scheduling, meal planning and digital photos.

Life admin resources


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